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Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Design Principle, Modernization, and Techniques

Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Design Principle, Modernization, and Techniques

  • Category: Ebooks
  • Publisher: CRC Press
  • ISBN: 1032210281,9781032210285
  • Views: 54
  • Posted on: 08/11/2022 23:05

Author: N. Thillaiarasu, Suman Lata Tripathi, V. Dhinakaran
Series: Smart Engineering Systems: Design and Applications
Pages: 358

The text comprehensively discusses the essentials of the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning algorithms, industrial and medical IoT, robotics, data analytics tools, and technologies for smart cities. It further covers fundamental concepts, advanced tools, and techniques, along with the concept of energy-efficient systems. It also highlights software and hardware interfacing into the IoT platforms and systems for better understanding. It will serve as an ideal reference text for senior undergraduate, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, and computer engineering.


    • Covers cognitive Internet of Things and emerging network, IoT in robotics, smart cities, and health care

    • Discusses major issues in the field of the IoTsuch as scalable and secure issues, energy-efficient, and actuator devices

    • Highlights the importance of industrial and medical IoT

    • Illustrates applications of the IoT in robotics, smart grid, and smart cities

    • Presents real-time examples for better understanding

    The text comprehensively discusses design principles, modernization techniques, advanced developments in artificial intelligence.This will be helpful for senior undergraduates, graduate students, and academic researchers in diverse
    engineering fields including electrical, electronics and communication, and computer science.


    Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Design Principle, Modernization, and Techniques

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