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Candle Magick

Candle Magick

  • Category: Ebooks
  • Publisher: Oshun Publications, LLC
  • ISBN: 9781370626113
  • Views: 16
  • Posted on: 07/11/2022 05:32

Author: Monique Joiner Siedlak
Did you know that one of the simplest forms of spell casting is Candle Magick? It is considered to be a type of sympathetic magick. It's a technique which doesn't have need of a lot of elaborate ritual or costly ritualistic objects. Simply put, anybody with a candle can cast a spell. If you think about it, the blowing of the birthday candle is actually a ritual based on three key magical principles. Candles can be purchased anywhere, by anyone without others giving a second glance or even suspecting that magick may be afoot. So, are you going to make a wish?


Candle Magick

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