English Bookys

Manipulation: Dark NLP and Advanced Psychology

Manipulation: Dark NLP and Advanced Psychology

People are manipulated every single day, and the crazy thing is that most of the time they aren’t even aware of it. Subliminal messages, hypnotic trance inductions, and mass psychological brainwashing are just some of the techniques that are ceaselessly employed to the advantage of these manipulators.<br> The good news is, you can learn EXACTLY what these techniques are and how they work on your psychology.<br> ✔ The core principles of dark psychology and manipulation, including group polarization<br> ✔ The process of hypnotic induction and how to protect yourself from hypnotic suggestion<br> ✔ How to determine if someone is lying<br> ✔ How to use pattern interrupts & rapid induction techniques to your advantage<br> ✔ How to use framing and advanced manipulation tactics<br> ✔ How to uncover psychological traits based on a framework of observation<br> ✔ The best way to master body language and nonverbal cues<br> ✔ The benefits of being able to analyze people effectively, and how it can lead to greater social influence

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