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Fitness and muscle building cookbook for beginners: 115 delicious recipes and tips for the most effective entry into muscle building

Fitness and muscle building cookbook for beginners: 115 delicious recipes and tips for the most effective entry into muscle building

Muscle Building for Beginners - Fitness and Muscle Building Cookbook for Beginners:<br> ✩The perfect cookbook for everyone who wants to increase, optimize or even get their muscle growth going.<br> Did you know that 80% of muscle growth depends on diet?<br> Muscles are built primarily through proteins. The more protein the food, the more energy is made available to the muscles. The muscle does not become deficient during exercise.<br> In this book by the muscle pros you can expect:<br> What to look out for, especially as a beginner<br> 115 delicious and simple dishes that will boost your muscle growth<br> Important: Muscles can only grow if you eat a high protein diet.<br> Due to a constant stimulus, the muscle is confronted with the need not to have enough mass available for the desired movement and thus its tissue noticeably thickens, the muscle consequently grows in order to compensate for the deficiency independently.<br> The "Muscle Professionals" book is perfect for you if you:<br> Finally want to build muscle effectively<br> Want to get an overview of your diet<br> Want to finally understand how effective muscle building actually works<br> Want to eat the perfect diet for building muscle without making any compromises<br> In this book you will find answers to questions that you are guaranteed to have asked yourself. We will guide you through the world of muscle building and give you great recipes to try out.

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