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Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking is the world-famous physicist with a cameo in “The Simpsons on his CV”, but outside his academic field his work is little understood. To the public he is a tragic figure — a brilliant scientist and author of the 9 million-copy-selling “A Brief History of Time”, and yet confined to a wheelchair and almost completely paralysed. <br> Hawking's major contribution to science has been to integrate the two great theories of 20th-century physics — Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. J.P. McEvoy and Oscar Zarate's brilliant graphic guide explores Hawking's life, the evolution of his work from his days as a student, and his breathtaking discoveries about where these fundamental laws break down or overlap, such as on the edge of a Black Hole or at the origin of the Universe itself.

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