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Hamlyn All Colour Cookery: 200 Light Weekday Meals

Hamlyn All Colour Cookery: 200 Light Weekday Meals

  • Category: Cooking
  • ISBN: 0600628981
  • Views: 12
  • Posted on: 14/09/2021 08:52

For many, cooking in the week is a bore; it's a 'must-do' rather than a 'want to' activity in their busy schedule, and when energy levels are low, it's all too easy to reach for a take away menu and break the diet. However, thanks to this simple recipe collection, cooking can be a creative, therapeutic and above all, a brief process! These recipes will kick-start your enthusiasm and tantalise your tastebuds, and to top it all off, they're all between just 300 and 500 calories!


Hamlyn All Colour Cookery: 200 Light Weekday Meals

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