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Chinese Japanese war vol.1 : The True History Between The Lines

Chinese Japanese war vol.1 : The True History Between The Lines

  • Category: History
  • ISBN: N/A
  • Views: 41
  • Posted on: 12/09/2021 08:12

This is a book about the frontal anti-Japanese battle ield under the command of the Nationalist Government.

Let’s take a look at a detail: In the early morning of December 13, 1937, the sky was still dark. Under the city of Nanjing, Sifang Fujizo, the squadron leader of the 20th regiment of the 16th Division of the Japanese Army in Kyoto, wrote on the Zhongshan Gate with white paint. Words like this: "Occupied by the Ono Army at 3 o'clock before noon on December 13, Showa 12". The Japanese took 4 days to capture Nanjing, but the road to Nanjing took them 400 years.

But this is not the inal history.

When the crazy and excited ensign came down from the ruins, stepped on the mines buried by the Chinese soldiers.

Nanjing fell, but China did not surrender, but moved its capital to ight again. At this time, China had actually won the war.

But some people say: If the United States and the Soviet Union were not involved in the war later, China at that time would not have been able to defeat Japan at all. Even if it wins in the end, it is a "tragic victory" because the price paid is too great.

In 1945, when the war ended, in the spring of that year, the Japanese commander-in-chief of the Chinese dispatched army, Neji Okamura, locked himself in a small black room and worked out a plan to attack the Chinese capital of Chongqing during the war. The Battle of Fengshan is actually part of this plan. The National Government of Chongqing made a plan to move the capital again: once the war became unfavorable, it would move the capital to Xikang Province (now part of Sichuan and Tibet) on the southwest border and continue ighting there.

Xikang Province is now gone, but the name of the provincial capital is known to many Chinese: Kangding. Well, even if your tone is not complete, you will de initely hum: "A sloping mountain/a slick cloud/slowly shining on/the slick city of Kangding…" is such a romantic town. In that era of bloody battles, he almost became the capital of China.


Chinese Japanese war vol.1 : The True History Between The Lines

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