English Bookys

Music for Life: 100 Works to Carry You Through

Music for Life: 100 Works to Carry You Through

  • Category: Non-Fiction
  • ISBN: 0571329381, 0571342744
  • Views: 12
  • Posted on: 06/09/2021 09:12

"Fiona Maddocks's descriptions are dangerously moreish…a timely reminder of the importance of music." – BBC Music

How does music reflect the key moments in our lives? How do we choose the works that inspire, delight, comfort, or console? Fiona Maddocks selects 100 classical works from across nine centuries, arguing passionately, persuasively and at times obstinately for their inclusion, putting each work in its cultural and musical context, discussing omissions, suggesting alternatives and always putting the music first.


Music for Life: 100 Works to Carry You Through

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