English Bookys

Pascua Colony

Pascua Colony

  • Category: Fiction
  • Views: 5
  • Posted on: 06/09/2021 09:07

Set 60 years after the first human-crewed mission to Mars and 50 years after the moon colony had died. The colonist of Pascua had lost Earth and was left unsure of what happened to their home plant. Unbeknownst to them, the Earth was much closer than they thought, already arrived like European explorers landing on the beaches of America. But, the earthlings that come were not the same as the ones they had left so many years ago.

The blue planet had dissolved into an oppressive authoritarian empire. The seeds of hope lie dormant in the long-lost colony.

Follow young Selene in the wild west adventure as destiny pushes her into something more significant. An original story in search of the truth. Along the path, she discovers her family, true romance, and a secret hidden by her great-grandfather.


Pascua Colony

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