English Bookys

The Huge Book of Dog Breed Quizzes

The Huge Book of Dog Breed Quizzes

Dogs are universally recognized as the antidote to a rough day. There is something about the unconditional love that you get from a dog that you just can't experience or find often enough among the members of the human race.

Puppies are variously described by their millions of fans across the world as:

There is a reason why cute puppy videos are so successful on YouTube, and a reason why posts involving dogs are an automatic way to farm likes on Instagram. Dogs bring happiness; whether you are a dog person or a cat person, there is some dog which brings a warm fuzzy feeling to your heart, and brightens your day instantly; a fun dog video can even improve a Monday morning!

This book contains a series of challenges designed to test how much you know about different dog breeds. This book will test the breadth of your knowledge about dog breed names, from the common to the obscure, from the topical to the temperate, from the Collie to the German Shepherd. The core skill that you can test in the skill and knowledge challenges in this trivia book is your mental database of the common names of dog breeds.

If you know a very large number of dog breed names, you're very likely to ace every challenge. This book combines the euphoria of finding out how much you know about our canine friends with the mental exercise of solving puzzles in many different formats.


The Huge Book of Dog Breed Quizzes

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