English Bookys

Declutter Your Home: Letting go of all the stuff you don't need

Declutter Your Home: Letting go of all the stuff you don't need

Nick Sturgeon’s own wake-up call about his hoarding tendencies made itself clear when the sheer volume of his book collection threatened to collapse the ceiling! Forced to recognise and deal with his clutter problems head-on, he found his own way through the clutter maze.

Taking action to clear the mess and sort through the possessions around you can seem like too much.

is the only guide you need to regain control of your living space and your home office.

• Let go of what doesn't serve you.

• Experience less stress and overwhelm.

• Say ‘Goodbye’ to unnecessary commitments.

• Simplify and enhance your work life.

• Step away from toxic relationships.

• Enjoy feeling more relaxed in your home space.Learn the letting go techniques for yourself and begin the many benefits of a lighter life.

Learn the letting go techniques for yourself and begin the many benefits of a lighter life.


Declutter Your Home: Letting go of all the stuff you don't need

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