English Bookys

Fifty Shades of Haiku

Fifty Shades of Haiku

  • Category: Fiction
  • Views: 3
  • Posted on: 05/08/2021 19:09

Fifty Shades of Haiku is a collection of erotic haiku, the seventeen-syllable form. The book captures the many passionate and joyous feelings that accompany intimacy.

Elizabeth Stephenson has been a literature and poetry addict all her life and is especially enamored with haiku, a very short form of Japanese poetry consisting of seventeen syllables. Pride and Prejudice, Anna Karenina and Fifty Shades of Grey are among the many influences that drive her writing.

Fifty Shades of Haiku naturally evolved from her love of poetry and erotica. Elizabeth believes that poetry has a unique power to incite the emotions and can be the catalyst for erotic fantasy and actuality.

In addition to writing, Elizabeth enjoys reading, watching movies, music, and working out. She has a very special fondness for animals especially cats, volunteers, as time allows, at a local animal shelter.


Fifty Shades of Haiku

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