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Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding DOM Events

Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding DOM Events

  • Category: Courses
  • Views: 140
  • Posted on: 01/06/2021 19:52

Listening to and responding to events is a foundational skill for building software for the web. The Document Object Model, or DOM for short, has a powerful built-in event system. And yet, many of us have a pretty basic understanding of the DOM event system and only scratch the surface of the available power.

Listening to and responding to events is a foundational skill for building software for the web. The Document Object Model, or DOM for short, has a powerful built-in event system. And yet, many of us have a pretty basic understanding of the DOM event system and only scratch the surface of the available power.

This lack of understanding leads to bugs in our applications and writing lots of code to work around the DOM event system rather than leveraging it. The goal of the course is that you will walk away with the confidence to successfully and meaningfully engage with the DOM event system.

What events are and how they flow through the DOM

How to listen and respond to events

The order in which event listeners are called

The information available to us in event objects

How events work with the Event Loop

Understanding synchronous and asynchronous events

Understanding the event delegation pattern

And how to debug and examine events in the browser


Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding DOM Events

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