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Practical SQL for data analytics and data driven decisions

Practical SQL for data analytics and data driven decisions

  • Category: Courses
  • Views: 111
  • Posted on: 03/02/2021 22:45

Learn the Big data ecosystem and tools

Do you want to know how to query and process big data in SQL? Are you curious about data analysis? Welcome to the practical SQL for data analytics and data driven decisions.

This course teaches you how to drive insights through data analysis and visualisation using the Databricks platform. This course features lots of hands-on lab where you can load, explore and visualise insights from diverse Databricks datasets.

This course is intended for the following participants:

Data Analysts, Business Analysts, Business Intelligence Professionals

Data Engineers who works with Data Analysts to build data analytical solution

Learners who seeking to develop SQL query fluency with no previous coding experience

Students curious about data science

Beginner python developer wants to learn about other data science tools like SQL

Beginner r developer wants to learn about other data science tools like SQL


Practical SQL for data analytics and data driven decisions

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